A Pastor’s Prayer Journey

Two Preachers Sharing Prayers & Scripture

One Hour and No More!!!

Each day I find my passion for Jesus growing.  I have by no means arrived.  But I know where I need to go and it points to Jesus.  I am awed by His creation!  I am moved by His generosity!  Most importantly I am eternally grateful that I am not going to Hell.  By the grace of God and His mercy on me I have been bought.  Oh how sweet this sounds as I write it.  To know that I will be spending eternity with Jesus.  Praise you God for all that you have done for me.  I could not in a million years give you enough thanks-but let me simply give you praise in this moment.  Is not our God worth every ounce of our energy?  I know He is and I know many of you know He is.  So with that said let me just vent for a moment.

I want to share certain words with you.  Yet I am not sure if these words would be considered vulgar and foul or just simply holy indignation.  Since I am not sure I will simply tell you the situation which dumbfounds me.

Several days ago I was asked to speak at a church to be their missionary speaker.  The woman who I spoke to wanted me to share about our Work in Liberia Africa but she wanted to make me aware of the time restrictions and other arrangements.  Now I am fully aware and respectful to time restrictions.  I think some people speak to long and bore us all.  Some people should not even be allowed to get up and speak(Sorry-just my unholy side).  Yet as she shared with me about these time restrictions, she did so to remind me that their were those in the church who would not come to church if they knew it was a missionary speaker.  Matter of fact they were going to cut the typical greeting time where someone reads something funny or heart warming they found on the Internet just so they could give me a little more time.  Well that is certainly generous of them.  Throughout our conversation this woman apologized to me that some in the church might be upset that the “preacher” was not preaching that day.  Of course they would be.  Many of those faithful saints have given  their two dollars each week(none towards missions of course) and by golly they deserve to hear the guy they hired.  Oh and the guy they hired  had better be done in 20 minutes and or less.

I wish I could describe the whole telephone conversation for you.  But in a nutshell the creator of the Universe had 1 hour and if I could cut it down to less that would help since their were some who don’t come to church to hear a missionary speaker.  Good thing they were not around 2,000 years ago, the apostle Paul would not be welcome.  Really though this is not the sad part to this who situation.  The sad part is that the leadership does not have the fortitude to simply stand up and call these non-believers to task.  Oh I am sorry let’s call them members.  I would not want them to be offended.

Well okay I got this of my chest and I am sure that you have room to be critical of my heart and thoughts.  Although we need not to look too far to find that we have many churches with people we are afraid to call to task because we may lose our job or reputation or who knows what.  By golly if Jesus needs 1 hour and 15 minutes than he probably will not be invited to this church.

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